
Sheilla | Yusuf

31 Desember 2021
Clove Hotel Garden, Bandung.

Sheilla Fathia Firdaus


Putri dari:

Bpk. Yuli Firdaus
Ibu. Neneng Rustini

Yusuf Maulana Bahari


Putra dari:

Bpk. Pramido
Ibu. Nurhasanah

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2021

Clove Hotel Garden, Bandung.


Resepsi 1: 12.00 - 13.00 WIB
Resepsi 2: 13.00 - 14.00 WIB



About Us

2015 is the year when it all began, we start getting know each other in Campus.

One thing led to another, the first encounter then continued as we collaborated on the video 'Pianos Become the Teeth - Queen' cover.

However, we had separated for about 1.5 years for one reasonor another.

Nevertheless, the universe later reunited us in late April 2017. Thereafter, we were into a more serious relationship and got married at 14-04-2018.

Alhamdulillah, God's Plan cannot be compared to others. May peace be upon us all.


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